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What we do...

Pooch Parcels is completely customisable around you and your dogs needs. 


We take our time to get to know you and your pets so that we can customise our packages to suit you. We come to you to meet, play and fuss over your pets and together we create a plan free of charge.


Dog Walking Only:

We create a Pooch Profile based around all of the information you provide to us and we plan the perfect walk for those precious paws free of charge.


We come fully equipped, insured and armed with toys.

With your permission, we will take photos/videos of your pooches on their adventures.

We charge a set rate per hour, no matter the size of breed. We offer bulk packages for those regular walkers.


Reward Scheme:

We have introduced a reward scheme for returning pooches which counts every step those paws take. Build up steps to earn certificates, rosettes and rewards.​​



We hold regular competitions to reward you and your pooches so keep track on our Blog for more information and offers.



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